Saturday 28 April 2007


Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.(1 John 4:1)

If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me:(Psalms 66:18)

For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.(1 Peter 3:11)

Sister Sarah Muchwa Mwamba claims that God spoke to her and revealed to her the evil his people in Uganda are doing, EVILS that are going to bring judgments of blood shed and economic crises upon the nation. She reiterates that the evils include; lying to get wealth, ritual murders and use of witchcraft. She says that judgment will begin in the house of the lord, because the born again saints have forsaken their first love. According to the article below, Sarah has started mobilising born again Christians to intercede on behalf of the nation so that the lord can forgive the nation. Many pastors and churches have come to join her at KCC city gardens. These include; Pastors Ebo , Joseph Sserwadda, Robert Mugga , Ssenyonga and other from abroad.

‘Mwenenye ng’omusaayi tegunnayiika’

Also see, Prophetess calls upon Ugandans to repent

My Analysis

There is no doubt that the sins talked about by Sarah are the same sins, Me and Brother. Kato have been warning people about. We have in particular warned Pastor Joseph Serwadda about apostasy and spiritual fornication but to no avail. I’m surprised that Pastor Sserwadda is one of the people who will be part of the intercessory prayers. Who is fooling who here?? Do you think God will hear your prayers , if they are not followed by a turning way from sin and a separation from apostasy and all unrighteousness. SORRY, WITHOUT A 100% TURN AWAY FROM SINS(apostasy , spiritual fornication, political harlotry, extortion etc) God will not hear you. This so called revelation is used by the devil to trade the deception that Uganda’s rotten prosperity movement is concerned about repentance. WHY IS SARAH SILENT ABOUT THE PASTORS WHO ARE GUILTY OF LYING AND HARLOTRY? IF THE LIKES OF PASTOR KAKANDE, LULE, SOZI etc come for the prayers, are they welcome??? STOP WASTING GUTS, GOD’S JUDGEMT IS ALREADY UPON THE PROSPERITY, APOSTATE CHURCH IN UGANDA. THERE IS NO PEACE COMING BUT RATHER DOOM AND GLOOM.

‘Mwenenye ng’omusaayi tegunnayiika’

Mucwa ng’annyonnyola ebintu bye yalaba.

SARAH Mucwa Mwambu agamba nti yayogera ne Katonda n’amulaga ebikolobero ebingi ebikolebwa abantu be omuli okulimbira mu linnya lye okufuna obugagga, okusaddaaka abaana era omusaayi gwabwe gutuuse ku Namulondo ye. Justine Nakaggwa yamusisinkanye n’amunyumiza entiisa gye yayitamu.

Obulogo butuuse mu kkanisa, abantu balimbira mu linnya lyange ne bafuna obugagga, abaana basaddaakibwa era bwe muteenenya ng’enda kunyeenya eggwanga mu byobufuzi n’enfuna omusaayi guyiike’.

Ebyo by’ebimu ku bigambo Katonda bye yabuulira Sarah Mucwa nga February 17, 2007. Asabira mu Deliverence Church e Nsambya ey’Omusumba Sam Wanyaala. Yalokoka mu 1983 era okuva olwo mubuulizi wa njiri. Mu 2005 nga tunaatera okulonda omukulembeze w’eggwanga, omwoyo Mutukuvu yamulung’amya okusabiranga eggwanga mu kulonda muleme kubaamu kuyiwa musaayi.

Okulonda bwe kwaggwa, Pulezidenti Museveni yakyala e Busia. Olwakyaluka abazigu ne bannumba emirundi ena nga baagala okunzita kyokka saategeera kigendererwa era kino kyampaliriza okuddukayo ne nzira e Nsambya. Nnatandika okusaba ennyo n’okusiiba n’abaana bange nga tumwegaayirira atusaalire n’okumwebaza okutuwonya okufa.

Mu February, 2007, natandika okufuna ebyewuunyo. Buli lwe nnatandikanga okusaba nga mpulira amaloboozi nga gang’amba nti, nnoonya olindaba, genda mu maaso okusabira eggwanga n’ekkanisa’. Olwawulira bino kwe kutandika okuzuukuka ku ssaawa 11:00 ng’obudde bukya buli lunaku ne nsaba nga bwe nneetoolola ekyalo ky’e Nsambya.

Nga February 17, ng’obudde bukya, nnawulira omuntu akonkona. Nnasisimuka naye nga musisi mungi nnyo era ng’ennyumba yonna eyuuga gy’obeera nti egenda kutugwira. Mu ntiisa ennyingi nnakowoola abaana bange tudduke kyokka okutuuka wabweru nga wakutte enzikiza tolina ky’olaba.

Nnafukamira n’abaana bange ne tutandika okusaba, amangu ago nnawulira eddoboozi eryali eryomwanguka ery’antiisa ne ling’amba, ‘Uganda njagala yeenenye, bwe mbadde nnyeenya ensi mukono ki oba ggye ki eribadde liyinza okunziyiza?’ Nnamuddamu nti, ‘Taata ggwe oyinza byonna, ggwe ntandikwa era ggwe nkomerero’.

Yaddamu n’agamba nti, ‘Nga bw’olabye nnyeenya emisingi gy’ensi bwe ng’enda okunyeenya eggwanga lino mu byobufuzi n’ebyenfuna. Awatali kwenenya, omusango gugenda kusookera mu nju ya Mukama. Abantu abatuumiddwa erinnya lyange (Abalokole) bavudde mu kwangala okwasooka tebakyanjagala nga bwe kyogerwako mu kitabo ky’Okubikkulirwa 2:2 -5 naye bwe bateenenye omusaayi gujja guyiika. Omwoyo gw’okuloga mu ggwanga gulinnye mu maaso gange era awatali kwenenya ekisa kyange kigenda kuvaawo mbasalire omusango. Abantu baagala nnyo ebintu era balimbidde mu linnya lyange".

Atandise okukunga Abalokole beegattire wamu mu kusaba nga beenenya Katonda asonyiwe eggwanga. Okusaba kwakubeera ku City Council Gardens okumpi ne palamenti. Abasumba n'amakanisa mangi gamaze okumwegattako. Mulimu Omusumba Ebo , Joseph Sserwadda, Robert Mugga , Ssenyonga n’abalala okuva ebweru.

Published on: Saturday, 28th April, 2007